Covid Response
June 12, 2021
Day:- Wednesday.
Covid Response and Facilities
*Ambulance facilities*
Ambulance facilities provided to (08) patients and( 2) dead bodies
1. Qummerwari to SMHS hospital, Emergency, pt on oxygen support.
2. Discharge Pt. from SMHS to Kanipora, Covid+ve , pt on oxygen support.
3. Discharged pt. from SMHS to Qummerwari, pt on oxygen support.
4. Kanipora to SMHS
5. Discharged pt from B&J to dalgate
6. Discharged pt SKIMS to Rainawari,pt on oxygen support.
7.Covid +ve pt. Natipora to Qadri lab for investigation.
8. Covid+ve pt.Medicare to Natipora.
9. Dedbody SMHS to Bemina.
10. Dedbody for cremation Saribala to Aawren Karan Nagar.
*Oxygen support to patients*
Provided oxygen support to (2) patients.
1.discharged from Covid hospital chanpora to Arizal budgam, Provided oxygen concentrator for domiciliary use.
2. Discharged pt from SMHS to Mehjoor Nagar, provided Cylinder for domiciliary use
3 cylinders ( bulk 1 , medium 2 ) have been provided to pts in exchange of empty cylinders for/domiciliary use.
*Free medicine*
Free medicines provided to the tune of Rs 48550 + 23000 outside =71550 to registered and emergency patients.
Two pharmacies are running successfully, where hundreds of patients are getting medicines on non profit basis.
*Intersectrol collaboration with govt hospitals.*
*25 MPHW or multipurpose health workers are available in hospitals to assist patients and guiding attendants.
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